Products We have American Iron and Steel (AIS) offerings available upon request. Contact your sales representative for details Cla-Val Air Valves Pratt Air Valves Vent-O-Mat Air Valves American Valve Ball Valves Pratt Ball Valves Pratt Butterfly Valves Cla-Val Check Valves Clow Check Valves Pratt Check Valves Cla-Val Control Valves Pratt Cone Valves Pratt Control Systems EIM Electric Actuators Clow Flap Valves Pratt Fire Protection Valves Cla Controls Freeze Guards Clow Gate Valves Pratt Gate Valves Emerson Gearboxes Pratt Butterfly Valves, Ind Pratt Knife Gates RF Valve Knife Gates RF Valve Pinch Valves Clow Plug Valves Pratt Plug Valves Pratt Sleeve Valves Cla Controls Surge Guards VFD Cla Controls Tank Guard Control Panels